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Sunrise Today is a brand which believes that recovery can be a bright and inspiring path for those who are seeking sobriety.


The Sunrises

All of the Sunrise Videos and Photos you see on Sunrise Today are taken by me. The sunrise keeps me accountable for my sobriety. You can use the sunrise in your area to keep you accountable. The pictures and videos you see on the Instagram page are seasonal for my location here in the Midwest, U.s.a- where we experience all of the seasons.

the road

The road symbolizes the path that we are all on during our lives. I use the imagery of the road often as I cycle frequently. All of these images are taken while I am on my rides. I say often in my Instagram captions that the road represents the trail to freedom and that I rode on the same trail all of the time, however, I was not able to see the beauty until awakening.

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